All the South Africans we had spoken to during our 6-week trip in this beautiful country had told us that Cape Town was their favorite city in SA. What they didn’t tell us was that this city can also offer four seasons in one day.
But first of all, they were right – Cape Town and its surroundings is beautiful and offers a high quality of life. There is a water front with some nice bars and restaurants, white sandy beaches, an own region with its wineyards, a historic center and a botanical garden with an exceptional variety of plants. There is the Malay suburb Bo-Kaap with its colorful houses and there is the cape peninsula with the famous cape of good hope or cape of storms as it used to be called. This actually turned to be true when we climbed up to the lighthouse and suddenly got caught in a thunderstorm. Luckily, we brought the right cloths – not. We had actually planned to take a ferry to Robben Island where Nelson Mandela has been kept prisoner for eighteen years but the sea was too rough that day and therefore we decided to explore the cape peninsula but were unequipped for rain.
Luckily or unluckily, depending on your point of view, the next day we caught the only boat that was going there in two days and were therefore able to visit this historic place and to learn a lot about this exceptional man and some of his companions you never hear that much. But also this visit we had to earn with two 45 minutes boat rides in rough sea with waves 4.5 meter high. As soon as they reach 5m the ferries don’t run anymore.
And there would have also been the Table Mountain, but it was always hiding from us. The first three days we only saw a huge cloud completely covering it and even on our last day when it was sunny everywhere and we hiked up to the Lion’s Head, the famous table was still covered in a cloud. It wasn’t until we were passing it with our plane to Namibia when it finally showed us his characteristic table like top. We almost thought it will happen like that ????
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