Only about 1’500km further or two days of driving from Broome you reach Exmouth. This former US and now AU navy base is located right next to the stunning Ningaloo Reef. And this reef is also the reason why you have to include Exmouth in your Australia trip.
Dive the Ningaloo Reef
The best way to explore a reef is by diving and that is why this is our top pick for Exmouth.

On our first dive we saw Moray Eel, Lion Fish, Nudis and a Reef Shark. But our two highlights were a pretty big Olive Sea Snake. When she swam in our direction, we first expected a Moray Eel but then we saw her huge olive-yellow body and quickly got out of her way.

The second highlight was an Octopus that was sitting right next to a corral. This was unusual as they normally hide in the corrals or rocks but this guy was almost presenting himself and made a spectacular show with his color changes.

On our second dive we saw our first turtle in quite a long time. No matter how often we see them they always catch us with their elegance and beauty. We also saw two white tip reef sharks, a stingray, crayfish and batfish but our two highlights were definitely the huge Wobbegong Shark and the one Nudibranch. She looked like nothing we had seen before. With her drawings she looked like an angry rabbit with huge eyes and teeth. But this is all part of her defense mechanism that cheated our minds quite well. And when we were already back on the boat two extras were waiting for us. Two manta rays showed up right next to the boat and swam at the surface. We enjoyed the spectacle and hoped to see them soon in the water.
Enjoy the Sunset at the Lighthouse
This is a great spot to go for the sunset and also a place with a lot of history. It was one of the air defense places during the 2nd world war against the Japanese.

Enjoy Coffee and Muffins at The Short Order
This place is perfect to start the day. It is only a remodeled van but they serve the best homemade muffins you can imagine. And you get all this right at the beach.
Listen to Live Country Music at the Whalebone
If you are not into preparing dinner and want to listen to some life country then the Whalebone is the perfect place to go to. It is a microbrewery with some great beers and their pizzas are simply delicious.
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