26. March 2019
25. March 2019
Sydney – Returning after 10 years
For Daniela it was the first time in Australia and she immediately fell in love with Sydney. And as I had completed a part of my Master degree at the University of Sydney, it was like coming home for me. Not much had changed. The Opera House and the Harbor Bridge were still in the […]
18. March 2019
Unforgettable Nature
On Kauai we ended our camping experiment prematurely. As on this island camp grounds cannot be booked online, we went to the county office in person. There we received the info that Haena State Park, the only campsite that allowed campervans, was closed because a storm had washed away the street accessing it. As the […]
11. March 2019
Island of the Whales
On Maui we tried to continue our Campervan/hotel mix but almost failed. Before our second night at the Waianapanapa State park we were informed by the park ranger that our car is not considered a camper van but a camper car and because car camping is illegal on Maui we are not allowed to sleep […]
4. March 2019
The Volcano Capital
Those four nights in a tent on Oahu were just too much for us. Arriving on the Big Island, luckily Hilo is one of the few places on Hawaii that offers relatively cheap accommodation and we could therefore afford two nights in a basic hotel. Even though the hotel was far from nice, it felt […]